From Hg(SbF6), and an appropriate amount of the ligands Ph2PCHRPPh2 (R = H or Me), 2 : 2, 1 : 2, and 1 : 3 M : L complexes have been prepared in MeN02 solution and characterized by 'H, 3'P, and "Hg nmr spectroscopy. The 2: 2 complexes are ligand-bridged, as are [Hg(Ph2PCH2PPh2)(Ph?PCHMePPh2)Hg]4' and [Hg(Ph2~CH2PPh2)2~g]3' (prepared from Hg(SbF6)2, Ag(AsF6), or Ag(SbF6) and the ligand), examined by nmr for comparison. The complex [Hg(pPhZPCHMePPh2)ZHg]4+ exists as two isomers, which interconvert slowly on the preparative timescale. The 1 :2 complexes, and the analogous mixed ligand complex are shown by their nmr spectral properties to be examples of tetrahedral bis(che1ate) complexes, which are very unusual for the Ph2PCHRPPh2 ligands. In the 1 :3 complexes, and the one of the two possible mixed complexes identified, both q l -and q2-ligands appear to be present and these undergo rapid intramolecular ql-to-q' exchange. The q '-bonding mode of Ph2PCH2PPh2 also occurs in [(q2-Ph2P(CH2)2PPh2)Hg(q'-Ph2PCHzPPh2)2]2' and [Hg(ql-Ph2PCH2PPh2),I3, as evidenced by their reduced temperature 3'P nmr spectra in Me2CO-MeN02.The complex [ H~(~' -P~~P C H~P P~~)~]~' has "P and ""Hg nmr spectral properties significantly different from those of its acyclic analog [Hg(PMePh2),IZ'. To place this anomaly in perspective, the "P and "' Hg nmr spectra of a much wider series of new bis (che1ate) From thedata for the last two series, it is found that only the bis(che1ate) complex of Ph2PCH2PPh2 shows a large anomaly in its Iy'Hg chemical shift (anomalously high shielding), and that in' J ( H~P ) , and "P chemical shifts vary systematically with the ligand combination; of particular note, 'J (HgP) to LL decreases as the chelate ring size of L'L' increases. These observations are discussed in terms of the variation in the intra-and inter-chelate PHgP angles expected in the complexes. A partir des donnkes se rapportant aux deux dernikres sCries, on a trouvC que le complexe bis(chClat6) de Ph2PCH2PPh2 est le seul a presenter une grande anomalie dans son dkplacement chimique du "' Hg (blindage anormalement grand); par ailleurs, on a Ctabli que, dans le complexe de [H~(LL)(L'L')]~', les valeurs de 2J(PP), de 'J(HgP) ainsi que les dCplacements chimiques du 31P varient d'une f a~o n systimatique avec la combinaison de ligand alors qu'il faut particulierement noter que la valeur de 'J de HgP i LL diminue lorsque la taille du cycle du chelate L'L' augmente. On discute de ces observations en fonction de la variation que I'on peut prkvoir pour les angles PHgP internes et entre les chelates dans les complexes.[Traduit par le journal]