Distributed Model Predictive Control BasedonDynamicGames 3 different from its prediction. At instant k, the controller solves the optimisation problem min U(k) J (x(k), U(k)) st. (1) X(k + 1)=Γx(k)+HU(k) U(k) ∈U where Γ and H are the observability and Haenkel matrices of the system (Maciejowski, 2002) and the states and input trajectories at time k are given by X(k)=[x(k, k) ••• x(k + V, k)] T V > M, U(k)=[u(k, k) ••• u(k + M, k)] T. The integers V and M denote the prediction and control horizon. The variables x(k + i, k) and u(k + i, k) are the predicted state and input at time k + i based on the information at time k and system model x(k + 1)=Ax(k)+Bu(k),(2) where x(k) ∈ R n x and u(k) ∈U ⊆R n u. The set of global admissible controls U = {u ∈ R n u |Du ≤ d, d > 0} is assumed to be non-empty, compact and convex set containing the origin in its interior.