We establish proof-theoretic, constructive and coalgebraic foundations for proof search in coinductive Horn clause theories. Operational semantics of coinductive Horn clause resolution is cast in terms of coinductive uniform proofs; its constructive content is exposed via soundness relative to an intuitionistic rst-order logic with recursion controlled by the later modality; and soundness of both proof systems is proven relative to a novel coalgebraic description of complete Herbrand models.We can also view Horn clauses coinductively. The greatest complete Herbrand model for a set P of Horn clauses is the largest set of nite and in nite ground atomic formulae coinductively entailed by P. For example, the greatest complete Herbrand model for the above two clauses is the set N ∞ = N ∪ {nat (s (s (· · · )))}, obtained by taking a backward closure of the above two inference rules on the set of all nite and in nite ground atomic formulae. The greatest Herbrand model is the largest set of nite ground atomic formulae coinductively entailed by P. In our example, it would be given by N already. Finally, one can also consider the least complete Hebrand model, which interprets entailment inductively but over potentially in nite terms. In the case of nat, this interpretation does not di er from N . However, nite paths in coinductive structures like transition systems, for example, require such semantics.The need for coinductive semantics of Horn clauses arises in several scenarios: the Horn clause theory may explicitely de ne a coinductive data structure or a coinductive relation. However, it may also happen that a Horn clause theory, which is not explicitly intended as coinductive, nevertheless gives rise to in nite inference by resolution and has an interesting coinductive model. This commonly happens in type inference. We will illustrate all these cases by means of examples.