As of 2018, over 25.4 million people worldwide meet the criteria to be considered refugees, the highest number on record. Over half of these individuals are under 18 years old, leaving approximately 12 million children to cope with the trauma and stress typically encountered by refugees. Increased rates of depression in this population are well-documented in the literature. This article reviews the ecological determinants of depression for displaced children and current empirical methods for alleviating depression across contexts. PubMed and PsycINFO databases were reviewed for articles that met the following criteria for inclusion: published between January 1, 2000, and April 16, 2020; peer-reviewed empirical article; in English; reviewed an intervention targeting depression; and included a sample of refugees 18 years of age or younger. Sixteen interventions met inclusion criteria and were assessed using an ecological framework. The programs were analyzed for several methodological and outcome factors including intervention type, retention rate, participant demographics, participant country of origin and host country, ecological framework, and effectiveness. Major findings suggest that interventions including caregivers, involving the child’s community, addressing multiple contexts, and that are culturally informed may improve outcomes. This article presents research surrounding risk and protective factors for depression within each context to inform existing interventions and presents additional avenues for services to meet the needs of refugee youth across contexts.