With the launch of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) mission, the geoscience community acquired a unique tool for making precise measurements of large-scale surface deformation. The Center for Observation and Modeling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET) LiCSAR system (Lazecký et al., 2020) routinely generates Sentinel-1 differential interferograms over tectonic and volcanic areas, and carries out interferometric (InSAR) time series analyses to measure surface deformation in the satellite line-of-sight direction. When the satellites are traveling south to north (ascending), the look direction is downwards and slightly north of eastwards, and when moving north to south (descending) it is downwards and slightly north of westwards. The two geometries can therefore be used to accurately constrain the vertical and east-west components of any motion, but the line-of-sight sensitivity is very low for the north-south component, which is typically estimated using available GNSS data (Weiss et al., 2020).It is possible to estimate along-track displacements, which are sensitive to northward motions, by exploiting spectral diversity in the along-track, or azimuth, direction (Bechor & Zebker, 2006). This involves forming two sub-apertures for each SAR image, one with a look direction pointing slightly forwards and one pointing slightly backwards. Differencing interferograms formed from the forward-looking images and backward-looking images, results in phase change due to along-track displacement only, as displacement perpendicular to the flight direction cancels. The precision of these measurements is poor, however, as the difference in angle between the two sub-apertures is very small, particularly for the Interferometric Wideswath mode of Sentinel-1, which is the standard mode over land, due to the reduced Doppler spectrum available for each subswath.