Unique among animals as they evolved towards Homo sapiens, hominins progressively cooked their food on a routine basis. Cooked products are characterized by singular chemical compounds, derived from the pervasive Maillard reaction. This same reaction is omnipresent in normal metabolism involving carbonyls and amines, and its products accumulate with age. The gut microbiota acts as a first line of defence against the toxicity of cooked Maillard compounds, that also selectively shape the microbial flora, letting specific metabolites to reach the blood stream. Positive selection of metabolic functions allowed the body of hominins who tamed fire to use and dispose of these age-related compounds. I propose here that, as a hopeful accidental consequence, this resulted in extending human lifespan far beyond that of our great ape cousins. The limited data exploring the role of taming fire on the human genetic setup and on its microbiota is discussed in relation with ageing.