We aimed to predict the favor for a technocratic government in the context of the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic.
We tested a multilevel mediated moderated model on the ResPOnsE COVID‐19 data set (rolling cross‐section design, quota sample of the Italian adult population, N = 8210, data collected from March 17 to June 16, 2021).
Subjective vulnerability to COVID‐19 showed a positive relationship with trust in science and scientists, which, in turn, had a positive relationship with favor for a technocratic government, particularly among participants who had low trust in the Italian Parliament. The prevalence of COVID‐19 (measured at Level‐2, with data nested by day of data collection) also showed a positive association with favor for a technocratic government.
The COVID‐19 pandemic may have jeopardized representative democracy
The objective and subjective threats it triggered favor trust in science and scientists that, when combined with a low level of trust toward political institutions, fosters the desire for a technocratic government.