The use of as imple coppers alt as ac atalyst, in conjunction with CsF as an activator, enabled aw ide range of aryl-and alkenyltrialkoxysilanes to undergo carboxylation under atmosphericp ressure of CO 2 ,a ffording the corresponding carboxylic acids in good to high yields.Since carbon dioxide (CO 2 )i sa na bundant, clean, and renewable C1 feedstock, its use in organic synthesis is attractive and complies with the principles of green and sustainable chemistry.[1] In general, CO 2 is weakly electrophilic and is known to react with organometallic nucleophiles to afford carboxylic acids and its derivatives. While typically strongo rganometallic nucleophiles, such as organolithiums and Grignard reagents, are known to react readily with CO 2 ,t heir sensitivity to moisture and poor functional group compatibilitym akes these reagents unattractive.T oo vercome these problems, recent advancesi nt his field focusedo nc atalyzed carboxylation reactions of more stable and less sensitive reagents, including organozincs, [2] organoaluminums, [3] organoborons, [4] and organosilicons.[5] In particular,t he carboxylation of arylboronic esters has been well-studiedw ith various transition metal catalysts (Rh, Cu, Ag, Ni), and broad substrate scope and high functional group tolerance wereo bserved in all cases.[4a-e] On the other hand, the carboxylation of arylsilanes has been less explored with limited success, [5e-h] despite the fact that they are competent nucleophilic partnersi nvariousc ross-coupling reactions. [6] Previously reported resultsb yE ffenberger [5e] and Sato [5f] demonstrated that arylsilanes bearing electron-deficient substituents at the ortho positions could smoothly react with CO 2 in the presence of af luoridea nion source. In their hypothesis, the electron-withdrawing moiety stabilizes the aryl carbanions that were generated from the fluoride-mediated desilylation process. More recently,C antat achieved the carboxylation of heteroarylsilanes, in which the silicon moietyw as positioned ortho to the heteroatoms. [5g] In an attempt to develop am ore general carboxylation method, Kondo utilized phosphazenium salts as catalysts.[5h] Althought he presence of ortho substituents was avoided, their method was stilllimited to electron-deficienta rylsilanes. Based on these literature reports, it was clear that there were no efficient procedures to convert electronrich and neutral arylsilanes to carboxylic acids via carboxylation reactionswith CO 2 .To overcome the substrate scope limitation for the carboxylation of arylsilanes, we took inspiration from the richh istory of cross-couplingr eactions involving arylsilanes,a nd considered the use of copper salts as catalysts (Figure 1). In our working hypothesis, after the formationo ft he pentavalent silicate via fluoride activation, the transmetallationo ft his activated speciesw ith ac opper catalystw ould generate an arylcopper intermediate that could readily react with CO 2 to generate the desired carboxylic acid. The transmetallation of hypervale...