“…[43] Thei nvestigation concluded that the occupation of the "interstitial" site by the smaller,m ore electronegative Cr 6+ cation compared with other Group 6elements, led to less distortion of the conductive Cu-S network while modifying the metallicity through the particular nature of Cr-Cu interactions.T he resulting ZT value of 0.86 at 700 Ki s among the highest reported for acomplex copper sulfide.The impact of the "interstitial" cation on the transport properties was later confirmed through the added notion of cation-size mismatch when the interstitial site was statistically occupied by two dissimilar cations. [119] Theconsequence of such cationic disorder in the "interstitial" position is ac lear change in the conduction mechanism of the materials from at ypical acoustic phonon scattering to an ionised impurity-like scattering mechanism, as demonstrated by low-temperature measurements of the transport properties.Asimilar change is also achieved by providing the structure with extra cations to statistically occupy the interstitial tetrahedral sites not belonging to the superstructure position. [113] In addition, Cu 26 Ti 2 Sb 6 S 32 ,t he first semi-conducting compound with the colusite structure,exhibits an intrinsically low lattice thermal conductivity ranging from 1.6 WK À1 m À1 at 300 Kt o 0.6 WK À1 m À1 at 673 K. [44] High-performance TE properties can be achieved by partial substitution of Sb by Ge,with a ZT value of 0.9 reached at 673 K. [44] From these recent investigations on colusites,i ta ppears that the T site is only occupied by ad 0 cation (Ti 4+ ,V 5+ ,N b 5+ ,T a 5+ ,C r 6+ ,M o 6+ , W 6+ ), whereas the associated M site is occupied exclusively by ac ation with ad 10 configuration similar to Cu + (M = Ge 4+ , Sn 4+ ,S b 5+ ).…”