Dolfi, Guralnick, Praeger and Spiga asked if there exist infinitely many primitive groups of twisted wreath type with nontrivial coprime subdegrees. Here we settle this question in the affirmative. We construct infinite families of primitive twisted wreath permutation groups with nontrivial coprime subdegrees. In particular, we define a primitive twisted wreath group G(m, q) constructed from the nonabelian simple group PSL(2, q) and a primitive permutation group of diagonal type with socle PSL(2, q) m , and determine all values of m and q for which G(m, q) has nontrivial coprime subdegrees. In the case where m = 2 and q / ∈ {7, 11, 29} we obtain a full classification of all pairs of nontrivial coprime subdegrees.We can show that N is a subgroup of T H and that N ∼ = T R . Furthermore, the group N is invariant under the action of H, so H acts as a group of automorphisms on N.Definition 2.1. We define the twisted wreath product determined from (T, H, φ) to be the group G = N ⋊ H. The group G acts on Ω = N with N acting by right multiplication and H acting by automorphisms, that is, α nh = (αn) h for all α ∈ Ω, n ∈ N and h ∈ H. Lemma 2.2. The nontrivial subdegrees of G are the values of |H : H f | for f ∈ N\{id}. Also, no nontrivial subdegrees of G are equal to 1.2Proof. We can verify that G id = H, so the nontrivial subdegrees of G are of the form |G id :Since G is not cyclic of prime order, no nontrivial subdegrees of G are equal to 1.The following result from [5, Lemma 4.7A] gives a set of sufficient conditions for a twisted wreath product to be primitive.Theorem 2.3. Let T be a finite nonabelian simple group, and suppose H is a primitive permutation group with point stabiliser L. Suppose that the group of inner automorphisms of T is contained in the image of φ, but Im φ is not a homomorphic image of H. Then the twisted wreath product determined from (T, H, φ) is a primitive group with regular socle N, and N ∼ = T m where m = |H : L|.We will deal with a class of primitive TW groups constructed from a group of diagonal type. Lemma 2.4. Let T be a finite nonabelian simple group, let H = T ≀ S m and let L = {(x, . . . , x)σ | x ∈ T, σ ∈ S m }. Define φ : L → Aut(T ) by setting φ((x, . . . , x)σ) = i x for all x ∈ T and σ ∈ S m , where i x denotes the automorphism of T induced by conjugation by x. Then the construction in Definition 2.1 yields a primitive TW permutation group G(m, T ) with socle isomorphic to T |T | m−1 and point stabiliser isomorphic to T ≀ S m . Proof. The group H acts primitively on the set of right cosets of L. Note that Inn(T ) = Im φ and that Inn(T ) is not a homomorphic image of H. All the conditions of Theorem 2.3 have been satisfied, so G(m, T ) is indeed a primitive group of type TW. Since |H : L| = |T | m ·m! |T |·m! = |T | m−1 , the socle is of the form T |T | m−1 .Remark 2.5. We define G(m, q) = G(m, PSL(2, q)) and note that G (2, 7) is the primitive TW group in [6, p. 12-14] with nontrivial coprime subdegrees.Lemma 2.7. Let D be a maximal subgroup of H. If there exists t ∈ H such that ...