To identify novel genomic regions that regulate sex determination, we utilized the powerful C57BL/6J-Y POS (B6-Y POS ) model of XY sex reversal where mice with autosomes from the B6 strain and a Y chromosome from a wild-derived strain, Mus domesticus poschiavinus (Y POS ), show complete sex reversal. In B6-Y POS , the presence of a 55-Mb congenic region on chromosome 11 protects from sex reversal in a dose-dependent manner. Using mouse genetic backcross designs and high-density SNP arrays, we narrowed the congenic region to a 1.62-Mb genomic region on chromosome 11 that confers 80% protection from B6-Y POS sex reversal when one copy is present and complete protection when two copies are present. It was previously believed that the protective congenic region originated from the 129S1/SviMJ (129) strain. However, genomic analysis revealed that this region is not derived from 129 and most likely is derived from the semi-inbred strain POSA. We show that the small 1.62-Mb congenic region that protects against B6-Y POS sex reversal is located within the Sox9 promoter and promotes the expression of Sox9, thereby driving testis development within the B6-Y POS background. Through 30 years of backcrossing, this congenic region was maintained, as it promoted male sex determination and fertility despite the female-promoting B6-Y POS genetic background. Our findings demonstrate that longrange enhancer regions are critical to developmental processes and can be used to identify the complex interplay between genome variants, epigenetics, and developmental gene regulation.T HE formation of a testis or an ovary from an undifferentiated bipotential gonad relies on the expression of a single Y-chromosome gene, SRY, to trigger male sex determination Koopman et al. 1991). In mammals, SRY expression is required for development of the testis, secondary sex characteristics, and, ultimately, fertility. In both humans and mice, mutations and deletions of SRY result in XY sex reversal Sinclair et al. 1990), while translocations of SRY onto the X chromosome or an autosome result in XX males (Berkovitz et al. 1992). Similarly, overexpression of various SOX (Sry-related HMG box) gene family members within the bipotential gonad results in XX males (Bishop et al. 2000;O'Bryan et al. 2008;Polanco et al. 2010), indicating that increased SOX gene expression during critical periods in fetal sex determination activates the male sex determination pathway. Disorders of sex development (DSD) are among the most common genetic disorders, occuring in 1/100 births when patients with hypospadias are included (Lee et al. 2006).One of the most powerful models in mammalian sex determination is a mouse strain in which XY males are sensitized to XY sex reversal. The strain's autosomes and X chromosome are from the Mus m. musculus C57BL/6J (B6) strain while the Y chromosome is from one of the Mus m. domesticus (DOM) substrains. B6 males with their native Y chromosome, Y B6 , develop as normal fertile males. In contrast, B6-Y DOM strains show a range of s...