A record fuel hot-spot pressure P hs ¼ 56 AE 7 Gbar was inferred from x-ray and nuclear diagnostics for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion cryogenic, layered deuterium-tritium implosions on the 60-beam, 30-kJ, 351-nm OMEGA Laser System. When hydrodynamically scaled to the energy of the National Ignition Facility, these implosions achieved a Lawson parameter ∼60% of the value required for ignition [A. Bose et al., Phys. Rev. E 93, LM15119ER (2016)], similar to indirect-drive implosions [R. Betti et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 255003 (2015)], and nearly half of the direct-drive ignition-threshold pressure. Relative to symmetric, one-dimensional simulations, the inferred hot-spot pressure is approximately 40% lower. Three-dimensional simulations suggest that low-mode distortion of the hot spot seeded by laserdrive nonuniformity and target-positioning error reduces target performance. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.025001 The spherical concentric layers of a direct-drive inertial confinement fusion (ICF) target nominally consist of a central region of a near-equimolar deuterium and tritium (DT) vapor surrounded by a cryogenic DT-fuel layer and a thin, nominally plastic (CH) ablator. The outer surface of the ablator is uniformly irradiated with multiple laser beams having a peak overlapped intensity of <10 15 watts=cm 2 . The resulting laser-ablation process causes the target to accelerate and implode. As the DT-fuel layer decelerates, the initial DT vapor and the fuel mass thermally ablated from the inner surface of the ice layer are compressed and form a central hot spot, in which fusion reactions occur. ICF relies on the 3.5-MeV DT-fusion alpha particles depositing their energy in the hot spot, causing the hotspot temperature to rise sharply and a thermonuclear burn wave to propagate out through the surrounding nearly degenerate, cold, dense DT fuel, producing significantly more energy than was used to heat and compress the fuel. Ignition is predicted to occur when the product of the temperature and areal density of the hot spot reach a minimum of 5 keV × 0.3 g=cm 2 [1-3]. Currently, the 192-beam, 351-nm, 1.8-MJ National Ignition Facility (NIF) [4] is configured for indirectdrive-ignition experiments using laser-driven hohlraums to accelerate targets via x-ray ablation. Approximately 26 kJ of thermonuclear fusion energy has been recorded on the NIF using indirect-drive ICF targets [5], where alpha heating has boosted the fusion yield by a factor of ∼2.5 from that caused by the implosion system alone [6,7]. The indirect-drive NIF implosions have achieved over 60% of the Lawson parameter Pτ required for ignition, where P is the pressure and τ is the confinement time [6]. Here P and τ are estimated without accounting for alpha heating to assess the pure hydrodynamic performance. The goal of achieving laboratory fusion and progress made with direct-drive ICF over the last decade motivate direct-drive implosions on NIF [8,9]. Hot-spot formation for spherically symmetric, direct-drive, DT-layered implosions is st...