The TRIGA 2000 reactor Bandung is proposed to convert from rod-type fuel to
plate-type fuel because there are no manufacturers in the world that still
produce rod-type fuel. Calculating the safety parameters and their
reliability related to reactor operation has become an important thing to
do. The objective of this study was to perform the reactor transient calculation of TRIGA 2000 that uses plate-type fuel. The reactor core
modification is based on the capability of the existing primary coolant
system, without changing its flow rates. Thermal-hydraulics
calculations related to reactivity insertion accident and loss of flow
accident were analyzed using EUREKA2/RR, MTR-DYN, and RELAP5 codes. The
chosen loss of flow accident scenario is a decrease in flow caused by a
sudden stop of the pump power supply, while reactivity insertion accident is
conducted by the withdrawal of control rods with maximum reactivity
insertion of 32.33 ? 10?5 s?1. The calculated parameters are reactivity,
reactor power, and temperature of the coolant, cladding, and fuel in the
hottest channel position. In general, from a safety point of view, those
computer codes were capable of performing the transient calculations with
appropriate results. Based on the calculation results, during the transient
condition of both reactivity insertion accident and loss of flow accident
scenario, the reactor operation safety parameters do not exceed the
allowable safety limit.