The aim of this study was to see the correlation between hepatic steatosis inchronic HCV infection and HCV genotypes. Study Design: It was a prospective observationalstudy done. Setting: Isra University Hospital and histopathology laboratory. Period: May toNovember 2014. Material & Methods: The study was conducted on 87 liver biopsy specimensof patients infected with chronic HCV. The biopsy samples were collected from department ofPathology, Isra University. H&E stained sections of liver biopsies were evaluated to determineGrade and Stage of chronic hepatitis C and grade of steatosis. Blood samples of those patientswere collected from Isra University hospital and Asian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS),Hyderabad to determine the HCV genotype, platelet count and liver function test including ALT,AST and GGT. Results: It was found that majority of the patients 38 (43.6%) had genotype 3ainfection followed by 3b, 1a, 1b and Un-typeable genotypes. Hepatic steatosis was divided intocategories according to Brunt’s classification. It was found that 39 (44.8%) patients had grade0 steatosis while 48 out of 87 patients presented with steatosis. It was found that 29 (33%)presented with grade 1 steatosis followed by grade 2 and 3. Steatosis was most frequentlyseen with genotype 3a (26.4%) and presented with mild to moderate grade. Conclusions: Thepresent study concludes that hepatic steatosis is more frequent in genotype 3a and presentswith mild to moderate grade.