S U M M A R YAssociated with non-steady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow in the liquid metallic core of the Earth, with typical relative speeds of a fraction of a millimetre per second, are fluctuations in dynamic pressure of about lo3 N m-2. Acting on the non-spherical core-mantle boundary (CMB), these pressure fluctuations give rise to a fluctuating net topographic torque L i ( t ) (i = 1 , 2 , 3 t w h e r e t denotes time--on the overlying solid mantle. Geophysicists now accept the proposal by one of us (RH) that L , ( t ) makes a significant and possibly dominant contribution to the total torque LT( t ) on the mantle produced directly or indirectly by core motions. Other contributions are the 'gravitational' torque associated with fluctuating density gradients in the core, the 'electromagnetic' torque associated with Lorentz forces in the weakly electrically conducting lower mantle, and the 'viscous' torque associated with shearing motions in the boundary layer just below the CMB. The axial component L ; ( t ) of LT(t) contributes to the observed fluctuations in the length of the day CLOD, an inverse measure of the angular speed of rotation of the solid Earth (mantle, crust and cryosphere)], and the equatorial components ( L f ( t ) , L;(t)) = L*(t) contribute to the observed polar motion, as determined from measurements of changes in the Earth's rotation axis relative to its figure axis.In earlier phases of a continuing programme of research based on a method for determining Li( t ) from geophysical data (proposed independently about ten years ago by Hide and Le Mouel), it was shown that longitude-dependent irregular CMB topography no higher than about 0.5 km could give rise to values of L 3 ( t ) sufficient to account for the observed magnitude of LOD fluctuations on decadal time-scales. Here, we report an investigation of the equatorial components (L,(t), L 2 ( t ) ) = L ( t ) of L i ( t ) taking into account just one topographic feature of the CMB-albeit possibly the most pronounced-namely the axisymmetric equatorial bulge, with an equatorial radius exceeding the polar radius by 9.5 kO.