Self stability offiankjbters edended with milk proteins and corn germ p r e tein $ow (CGPF) stored at X-2C@r 45 days was &died by water activity, sensory evaluation, bacteriological teas, and chemical determinations of total volatile nitrogen (m, ammonia nitrogen, and TBA values. Ihe incorporation of milk proteins and CGPF affected shelf stability offimrkjbters as determined by sensory characteristics, bacteriological test, and chemical analysis. AJer 45 days of storage, the fiankjbters with CGPF added had a stronger atrpical aroma and atypical $awr than the alkmeat control and products containing milk proteins. tfbwever, the apical notes were relatively low, up to 10.2 on a 60point scale, and should be considered as weak and acceptable. Ihe alkmeat control had a juicier mouthfie1 than the other fiankjbters. CGPFcontaining fiankjbters corn tained an intermediate mutt (log 3-4 Cm//g) ofpiythrotrophic bacteria, nhereas the other products contained a low bacteria count (log 0-2 CFU/g) aJer 45 ahys of storage. lhere was no firmulation treatment effect on TBA values. T W in jim@rters increased Wah increasing storage time. Ihe ammonia contents of treatment and control fiankjbters w r e not dfferent during 45 h y s of storage. 'Contribution No. 9249-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, KS 66506-8.