Cooked sweet corn aroma volatiles were analyzed by gas chromatography using a headspace technique. Aroma profiles of corn from early and late plantings, different stages of maturity, different cultivars, and different processes were submitted to stepwise discriminant analysis (BMD‐0–7M). Processes were most often classified correctly with slight overlaps between brine‐pack canned cron and vacuum‐packed canned corn and more notable overlapping between frozen and vaccum frozen corn. Corn from different plantings were classified correctly about two‐thirds of the time on the basis of their aroma profiles. Stylepak and NK199 cultivars were most often classified correcltly; similarities expressed in overlapping classifications were apparent among Butersweet, Silver Queen NK199 and among code 556, Buttersweet and Silver Queen. Fancy grade corn was correctly classified about 45% of the time, extra standard about 67% of the time, and standard about 68% of the time. By strafifying the data by processing method prior to discriminant analysis, improved classification was achieved for cultivars and maturities.