LIST OF TABLES Year started and distribution of observations over years in the 15 counties included in the project from 1957 through 1970 Original number and final number of sites included in this study in each of the 15 counties Number of profiles within counties with each of parent material classifications Some simple correlations between management vari ables greater than r = ±0.44, preliminary correla tion analysis Symbols, identification, means, and ranges of var iables included in the yield regressions on manage ment and climatic variables, MODEL A series Variates included in the regression of corn yield on quadratic functions of management and climatic var iables, MODEL A series Simple correlation coefficients greater than ±0.45 between yield and management variables and between management variables, MODEL A series Simple correlation coefficients greater than ±0.45 between variables within the fertility group Model selection steps, MODEL A series Effects of deletion of variable groups from final MODEL A-35 Regression statistics of the selected final quad ratic model of yield on management and climatic variables, MODEL A-35 Symbols, identification, means, and ranges of the soil and location variables included in the yield regressions, MODEL B series Variates included in the multiple regressions of yield on the management, climatic, and soil vari ables, MODEL B series