“…Given that leftward positioning during the final trimester prevails for about two thirds of fetuses, many “natural” asymmetries that approximate a 2:1 ratio and conceivably emerge during the final trimester may either directly or indirectly result from this influence. Besides the behavioral asymmetries that will be reviewed in subsequent sections, these include (a) lateralization of various neuromuscular diseases (e.g., neuralgic amyotrophy and laryngeal palsy), electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities, neoplasias, and other pathological disorders (Geschwind & Galaburda, 1985c; Greene, 1980; Paolozzi, 1970); (b) testicular asymmetry, expressed in a larger weight on the right side and a greater descent on the left (Antliff & Shampo, 1959; Chang, Hsu, Chan, & Chan, 1960; Mittwoch, 1975), and (c) lateralization of major craniofacial and limb malformations (Fujino et al, 1963; Gorlin, Pindborg, & Cohen, 1982; Graham, Badura, & Smith, 1980; Muakkassa et al, 1984; Rischbieth, 1963; Schnall & Smith, 1974; Tisserand, 1944; Yorita & Melnick, 1988).…”