Objective-It is widely recognized that hemodynamic and wall mechanical forces are involved in the initiation and development of atherosclerosis. In the coronary vasculature, these forces are likely mediated by arterial dynamics and geometry. This research examines the hypothesis that coronary artery motion and geometry affect the local predisposition to disease, presumably through their influence on the stresses at and in the artery wall. Methods and Results-The dynamics of a human right coronary artery and the variation of wall thickness along its length were characterized from biplane cineangiograms and intravascular ultrasound records, respectively. The dynamic geometry parameters were distance along the vessel, cyclic displacement, axial strain, curvature, and torsion. Multiple regression analyses using principal components show that (1) no single dynamic geometry parameter has a dominant influence on wall thickness, (2) Key Words: coronary arteries Ⅲ dynamic geometry Ⅲ wall thickness Ⅲ biplane angiography Ⅲ intravascular ultrasound A lthough several cardiovascular risk factors, including hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, smoking, and diabetes, have been associated with coronary heart disease (CHD), 1,2 it is conventional knowledge among investigators in atherosclerosis that these factors can explain no more than half of the variability in the occurrence of atherosclerotic lesions or CHD. [3][4][5] This situation suggests that there are additional risk factors that predispose to arterial disease. Friedman and colleagues 6 -8 have proposed that variations in arterial geometry, including the dynamic characteristics of the coronary arteries, can contribute to some of the unexplained variation in cardiovascular risk. This idea is based on the abundant and increasing evidence that hemodynamics and vascular wall stresses play an important role in the initiation and development of atherosclerosis. 9,10 The fluid dynamic environment at the arterial wall depends on the geometry and motion of the channel through which the flow is passing, and geometries that promote an adverse hemodynamic milieu could constitute additional risk factors for disease. Similarly, the motion of the coronary arteries during the cardiac cycle can lead to cyclic stresses in the wall that may prompt an atherosclerotic response.Most research seeking associations between coronary artery geometry and vessel pathology has been based on autopsy hearts. [11][12][13][14] This is in part because of a lack of relevant data for the in vivo situation. Biplane cineangiography and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) are 2 powerful modalities for assessing this relationship in vivo. While the former modality makes it possible to accurately reconstruct the time-dependent 3D course of the coronary vessels on the beating heart, the latter provides the necessary in vivo vessel wall morphology. In this study, we demonstrate the use of these diagnostic techniques to evaluate the relationship between the dynamic geometry and morphometry of a human right coronary ar...