7 Abstract The organization, assembly and remodeling of 8 the actin cytoskeleton provide force and tracks for a variety 9 of (endo)membrane-associated events such as membrane 10 trafficking. This review illustrates in different cellular 11 models how actin and many of its numerous binding and 12 regulatory proteins (actin and co-workers) participate in the 13 structural organization of the Golgi apparatus and in traf-14 ficking-associated processes such as sorting, biogenesis and 15 motion of Golgi-derived transport carriers. 16 17 Keywords Golgi apparatus Á Cytoskeleton Á Actin Á 18 Spectrin Á Myosin Á Rho GTPases
20The function of the Golgi apparatus is the result of a 21 complex interaction between the molecules that establish 22 its architecture, those that determine protein transport and 23 those that integrate signals from either outside or inside the 24 cell. Cytoskeletal elements (microtubules, actin filaments 25 or microfilaments and intermediate filaments) integrate 26 these processes. Association and coordination between 27 them as well as their respective binding and regulatory 28 proteins are present in the majority of endomembrane 29 systems, including the Golgi apparatus. While its basic 30 function is highly conserved, the Golgi varies greatly in 31 shape and number from one organism to another. Briefly, it 32 ranges from dispersed cisternae or isolated tubular net-33 works as occurs in algae, protozoa and the yeast Saccha-34 romyces cerevisiae, to a pile of flattened cisternae aligned 35 in parallel and known as the Golgi stack. This, depending 36 on the organism examined, could be present in a single 37 (fungi and the yeast Pichia pastoris) or multiple copies, the 38 latter being scattered throughout the cytoplasm (plants and 39 Drosophila) or organized as a ribbon around centrioles 40 (vertebrates) (daSilva et al. 2004; Hawes and Satiat-Je-41 unemaitre 2005; He et al. 2004;He2007; Henderson et al. 42 2007; Kondylis and Rabouille 2003; Ladinsky et al. 1999; 43 Lowe 2011; Mogelsvang et al. 2003; Pelletier et al. 2002; 44 Preuss et al. 1992;Rambourg and Clermont 1986; Ram-45 bourg et al. 2001;Ramírez and Lowe 2009; Rios and 46 Bornens 2003; Rossanese et al. 1999). The cytoskeleton 47 determines the location of the Golgi, and depending on the 48 cellular model, either microtubules or actin filaments have 49 the greater influence (Egea and Rios 2008), the impact of 50 intermediate filaments being very limited (Gao and Sztul 51 2001; Gao et al. 2002;Styers et al. 2006; Toivola et al. 52 2005). Historically, microtubules were the first cytoskele-53 ton element to be linked to the Golgi structure and function 54 (Thyberg and Moskalewski 1999), and only later was it 55 firmly established that actin and associated proteins (actin 56 et al.) also played a significant role (for recent reviews see
44Histochem Cell Biol DOI 10.1007/s00418-013-1115 Author Proof
U N C O R R E C T E D P R O O F63 between the actin-based cytoskeleton and the Golgi in a 64 variety of cellular models ...