Reorganización deliberada del sistema de relaciones sociales en empresas petroleras y gasistas en el período de cambios en la economíaLyutsiya Mugtabarovna GAISINA 1; Marina Lvovna BELONOZHKO 2; Vladimir Victorovich MAIER 3; Nail Khaditovich ABDRAKHMANOV 4; Ekaterina Alexandrovna SULTANOVA 5
ABSTRACT:The problem of adapting oil and gas companies to the continuously changing conditions in the economy is becoming one of the urgent ones for the sociology of management. Most of the oil and gas companies are vertically integrated complexes, which have huge and rigid managerial structure that keeps social and economic efficiency of companies at very low level, especially in the conditions of serious transformations. Flexibility, high level of adaptability to the changes,the ability to be socially active and stable in spite of any changes, political and economic environment are vital for the companies. All these features are usually formed by the proper activity of the management in the sphere of social relations in the companies. The main aspects of the modern social changes as well as the ways of oil and gas companies' adaptation to them are considered
RESUMEN:El problema de la adaptación de las empresas de petróleo y gas a las condiciones continuamente cambiantes de la economía se está convirtiendo en uno de los más urgentes para la sociología de la gestión. La mayor parte de las empresas de petróleo y gas son complejos integrados verticalmente, que tienen una estructura de gestión enorme y rígida que mantiene la eficiencia social y económica de las empresas a muy bajo nivel, especialmente en las condiciones de las transformaciones graves. Flexibilidad, alto nivel de adaptabilidad a los cambios, la capacidad de ser socialmente activo y estable a pesar de cualquier cambio, ambiente político y económico son vitales para las empresas. Todas estas características suelen estar formadas por la actividad adecuada de la dirección en la esfera de las relaciones sociales en las empresas. Los in the given article. Many of the measures of the companies' adaptation to the market changes are connected with the qualitative inner reorganization of the companies' social structures based on the principles of synergism and the system theory. The use of these principles presupposes awareness of reorganization processes as a way of the staff self-organization and adaptation to the new market reality.