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AbstractAn analytical model for the coreflood honouring the capillary pressure is developed. The analytical solution for the problem of the displacement of oil by water taking into account the capillary pressure is obtained using the method of matched asymptotic expansions.The model is based on the matching of the capillarity-free Buckley-Leverett solution with two asymptotic expansions irr regions of strong capillary pressure effects: with the continuous stabilized-zone solution in the neighbourhood of the displacement front, and with the end-effect solution near to the core outlet. Numerical simulation shows the high accuracy of the analytical solution proposed. The analytical solution is used for regularization of the inverse problem for determination the relative permeabilities tiom the coreflood data. Analytical solution allows to transform the inverse problem, which is the ill-posed one in the general formulation, to the system of two integral equations. The system can be solved asymptotically using the regular small parameter method.
SPE 36130P. BEDRIKOVETSKY, J.R.P.RODRIGUEZ, P.R.P. BRIITCI So the misbalance is of an order of E, and it is also negative. It is zero