The effi ciency of two cascades is investigated on the basis of a computational experiment: in the fi rst one regenerated uranium is purifi ed and in the second one low-enrichment uranium is produced from the purifi ed waste of the fi rst one. It is shown that the use of R cascades for purifi cation makes it possible to reduce the content of 232,234 U considerably, but it leads to high 235 U concentration 60-90% in the steps. To eliminate this, the purifi cation by removal of 232,234 U should be done in optimal cascades, calculated according to the data obtained with the R cascades, with the feed shifted into the product step. This makes it possible to reduce the 235 U content in the steps of the cascade to 20% or less. The quality of the lowenrichment uranium produced from the purifi ed regenerated uranium can be improved by using dilution and enrichment operations, which make it possible to reduce the 236 U content.Regenerated uranium obtained from irradiated NPP fuel is a valuable raw material for enrichment and recycling in reactors. It contains and makes possible the conservation of the fi ssile isotope 235 U, whose concentration is no less than in natural uranium. However, 232,234,236 U, which are not separated during chemical reprocessing, are present in considerable quantities in regenerated uranium. The main diffi culties in using regenerated uranium for fuel production are associated with the elevated content of these radionuclides. The 232,234,236 U concentration must be reduced in order to reduce the radiological hazard to a minimum and to improve fuel quality [1]. The cascade technology for separating uranium hexafl uoride and dilution operations can be used for this purpose.Methods for enriching regenerated uranium with reduction of the 232,234,236 U content in a separate cascade are well known. One method is enrichment to concentration 10-90% 235 U in an ordinary (three-fl ow) cascade followed by dilution to 2-7% [2]. This method improves the quality of the product obtained, but it is associated with high consumption of natural uranium, which is used as a diluent or for its production. Enrichment of regenerated uranium with 232,234,236 U content reduction in a cascade with additional feeding of natural raw material has the same drawback [3]. The consumption of natural uranium can be effectively decreased by using waste depleted uranium for one additional feed fl ow in the cascade [4]. But this increases the expenditure of separative work. Yet another method entails the use of a cascade with intermediate product and two feed fl ows for regenerated and natural uranium [5]. In this case, there are no additional expenditures of separative work, but if the reduction of the 232,234,236 U concentration in the intermediate purifi ed product is substantial, then their content in the fi nal product fl ow, viz., low-enrichment uranium as the commercial product, increases.A substantial reduction of the 232,236 U content is accomplished in double cascades: 235 U is enriched to high concentration in the fi rst (...