Summary -The 0.2 mollL trisodium citrate soluble N fraction of 14-and 38-month-old Grana Padano (GP) chee se diafiltered through 3-and 10-kDa eut-off membranes gave two fractions containing peptides with a molecular mass lower than 3 kDa, and higher than 10 kOa. 91 and 38 oligopeptides lower than 3 kDa were identified by using a combination of fast-atom bombardmentlmass spectrometry and Edman degradation in the 14-and 38-month-old GP cheese samples respectively. Peptides higher th an 10 kDa were submitted to preparative fractionation on Mono Q column with a stepwise ionie strength gradient and then by reverse phase-HPLC on a C4 column. Sorne native caseins and large-derived peptides were identified by using a combination of electrospray mass spectrometry and Edman degradation.