The second part of the literature review on the role of intestinal microbiota disturbances in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is devoted to the analysis of published literature on the possible mechanisms underlying the impact of intestinal dysbiosis on the function of the central nervous system and symptoms of ASD and vice versa, the effect of the nervous system on the intestinal microbiota. The hypotheses of slow inflammation, hyperserotoninemia, the production of toxic metabolites of the intestinal microbiota, impaired intestinal wall permeability, and the effect of intestinal dysbiosis on the synthesis of amino acids, vitamins and other biologically active substances that are potentially involved in the etiology and pathogenesis of ASD are considered. Available to date experimental and clinical data supporting these hypotheses are presented. The main mechanisms of the so-called gut-brain axis, which may be related to the pathogenesis of ASD, are formulated.