We report new measurements of thermal transport in 4 He films near the superfluid transition. We have done this to check on the universality of this transition as a function of thickness or T c between 1.37 and 1.88 K. Results from this study show for the first time a thickness or T c dependence of the two characteristic parameters for the thermal conduction, the ratio of diffusion constant to vortex core radius, D/a 2 , and the nonuniversal constant b. We suggest that the increase of b with film thickness is related to the bulk correlation length. PACS numbers: 64.70.-p, 67.40.pm, 67.70. + nThe superfluid transition in 4 He films has been studied extensively as one of the realizations of a twodimensional (2D) x-y system. Various predictions coming from the Kosterlitz-Thouless theory 1 of such a transition have been verified via measurements of the superfluid density, 2,3 thermal transport, 4 " 7 and persistent currents. 8 The transition is in the same universality class as, for instance, 2D melting, the superconducting transition in thin films, and some transitions in liquid crystals. It is thus of considerable theoretical and experimental interest. There are still, however, several aspects of the superfluid transition which merit further attention. Among these is the question of how this transition is modified when one deals with helium films substantially thicker than a few monolayers. One expects that as long as one is in a temperature region where the 3D correlation length would tend to be larger than the film thickness, then the 2D behavior should be manifest. It is clear, however, that aspects of this behavior must be modified in thick films, if for no other reason but the fact that the critical behavior is relegated to a progressively smaller region in temperature as the film's T c approaches the bulk 7\. We report in this Letter a study of thermal transport to look at this behavior. Our work can be viewed from the perspective of finite-size scaling and dimensionality crossover 9 but, perhaps more importantly, it should be viewed as a universality study of the KosterlitzThouless transition. This is analogous to the study of the critical behavior at the 3D superfluid transition along the A line on the pressure or 3 He-concentration plane. 10