Abstract.In this article we demonstrate the very inspiring role of the continuous-time random walk (CTRW) formalism, the numerous modifications permitted by its flexibility, its various applications, and the promising perspectives in the various fields of knowledge. A short review of significant achievements and possibilities is given. However, this review is still far from completeness. We focused on a pivotal role of CTRWs mainly in anomalous stochastic processes discovered in physics and beyond. This article plays the role of an extended announcement of the Eur.
Inspiring properties and achievementsIn their pioneering work published in year 1965 [1], physicists Eliott W. Montroll and George H. Weiss introduced the concept of continuous-time random walk (CTRW) as a way to make the interevent-time continuous and fluctuating. It is characterized by some distribution associated with a stochastic process, giving an insight into the process activity. This distribution, called pausing-or waiting-time one (WTD), permitted the description of both Debye (exponential) and, what is most significant, non-Debye (slowly-decaying) relaxations as well as normal and anomalous transport and diffusion [2,3] -thus the model involves fundamental aspects of the stochastic world -a real, complex world. Notably, ancestors of this concept are presented by Michael Shlesinger in [4].Let us incidentally comment that term "walk" in the name "continuous-time random walk" is commonly used in the generic sense comprising two concepts: namely, both the walk (associated with finite displacement velocity of the process) and flight (associated with an instantaneous displacement of the process). Thus we have to specify in a detailed way with what kind of process we are considering.The CTRW formalism was most conveniently developed by physicists Scher and Lax in terms of recursion relations [5][6][7][8][9][10]. In this context the distinction between Contribution to the Topical Issue "Continuous Time Random Walk Still Trendy: Fifty-year History, Current State and Outlook", edited by Ryszard Kutner and Jaume Masoliver. a e-mail: ryszard.kutner@fuw.edu.pl discrete and continuous times [11] and also between separable and non-separable WTDs were introduced [12]. A thorough analysis of the latter, called also the nonindependent CTRW, was performed a decade ago [13] although, in the context of the concentrated lattice gases, it was performed much earlier [14,15]. These analyses took into account dependences over many correlated consecutive particle displacements and waiting (or interevent) times. The Scher and Lax formulation of the CTRW formalism is particularly convenient to study as well anomalous transport and diffusion as the non-Debye relaxation and their anomalous scaling properties (e.g., the nonlinear time growth of the process variance). Examples are the span of the walk, the first-passage times, survival probabilities, the number of distinct sites visited and, of course, mean and mean-square displacement if they exist. It is very interesting...