This aim of this study is to examine predictors of specific motivations for engaging in cutting behavior among a community sample of sexual minority youth. The study involved secondary analysis of data collected by a communitybased organization serving lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth and their allies. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses were conducted using a final sample of 131 sexual minority youth ages 13-24. Analyses indicate that cutting occurs at high rates among sexual minority youth and that certain demographic characteristics, psychosocial variables, and mental health issues significantly predict endorsement of particular motivations for cutting among youth in this sample. Implications for social work assessment and intervention with sexual minority youth are discussed.Keywords Cutting Á Non-suicidal self-injury Á Sexual minority Á Gay Á Lesbian Á Bisexual Á Transgender Á Youth Non-suicidal self-injurious (NSSI) behavior among youth and young adults, such as cutting, hitting or burning oneself without suicidal intent, has started to receive