Generativity, "a concern for others and a need to contribute something to the next generation," is a dimension of successful aging in and of itself, but also predicts other positive health outcomes. We examine its manifestations and correlates among elderly in rural India and assess the association between generativity and quality of life (QoL). Three hundred and forty-eight rural Indian elderly completed an interviewer-assisted questionnaire assessing generativity, QoL, and other personal and familial factors. Regression models were used to examine potential correlates of generativity and the relationship between generativity and QoL. Higher education, inheritance income, more living children, and a son/daughter living in the home predicted higher levels of generativity. Higher levels of generativity were associated with higher QoL. There are both personal and familial correlates of generativity, and family relationships are important for generative development. Family-oriented interventions to increase generativity among elderly Indians could improve QoL.