This protocol describes sample preparation strategies for correlative 3D cryo-SIM and cryo soft X-ray tomography. In addition, the authors provide a direct comparison and recommendations regarding the selection and use of fiducials for 3D correlation. TWEET A new protocol for sample preparation and fiducial selection for correlative cryo-SIM and cryo-soft X-ray tomography. #CLXT #cryoimaging #cellstructure #correlativeimaging COVER TEASER Correlative cryo-SIM and cryo-soft X-ray tomographyAbstract 3D correlative microscopy methods have revolutionised biomedical research allowing the acquisition of multi-dimensional information to gain an in-depth understanding of biological systems. With the advent of relevant cryo-preservation methods, correlative imaging of cryogenically preserved samples has led to nanometre resolution imaging (2-50 nm) under harsh imaging regimes such as electron and soft X-ray tomography. These methods have now been combined with conventional and super resolution fluorescence imaging at cryogenic temperatures to augment information content from a given sample resulting in the immediate requirement for protocols that facilitate hassle-free unambiguous cross correlation between microscopes. We present here sample preparation strategies and a direct comparison of different working fiducialisation regimes that facilitate 3D correlation of cryo-structured illumination microscopy and cryo-soft X-ray tomography. Our protocol has been tested at two synchrotron beamlines (B24 at Diamond Light Source in the UK and BL09 Mistral at ALBA in Spain) and has led to the development of a decision aid that facilitates experimental design with the strategic use of markers based on project requirements. This protocol takes between 1.5 hours and 3.5 days to complete, depending on the cell populations used (adherent cells may require several days to grow on sample carriers).