Introduction:Jatropha curcas L is a tropical plant, besides containing antioxidants it also contains toxic compounds. This plant is believed to be anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifertilization. It is suspected that this plant can damage tissues through oxidative stress. The liver as an organ of central metabolism and detoxification. This plant is not yet known its effect on the liver when consumed, especially on hepatocyte cells and blood flow to the central veins of the liver.Method: Mice were given a dose of jatropha seed extract (0, 5, 25, 50, 250 mg/KgBW) for 28 days. Liver homogenates were measured for MDA levels, GSH activity and their correlation using a spectrophotometry. besides measuring the diameter of the central vein of the liver. Results: MDA levels after being given Jatropha seed extract: control (0); 5; 25; 50; 250 mg/KgBW were 0.818; 1,363; 2,043; 2,720; 2,518 nmol / ml and GSH activity was 0.979; 0675; 0.621; 0.463; 0.544 μg / ml. Vein diameter 169; 140; 24; 36; 30 μm and the smallest at a dose of 25 mg / BW was 23.7 μm (ANOVA, p <0.05). The correlation of MDA and GSH levels was very strong negative (Pearson: -0918; p <0.01). Discussion:The higher dose of jatropha seed extract, significantly increases MDA levels and decreases GSH activity. The correlation between the two is very strong negative negative correlation is very significant. Jatropha seed extract with high doses causes small central vein diameters of the liver.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 05 No. 01 January’21 Page: 41-46