A pH microelectrode has been used to investigate the auxin effect on free space pH and its correbtion with auxin-stimulated elongation in segments of pea (Pisum sativum) stem According to the currently popular acid secretion hypothesis of auxin action (2, 7), auxins stimulate growth by causing acidification of the cell walls, which at low pH undergo an increase in extensibility that leads to rapid cell enlargement. Several lines of evidence are consistent with this hypothesis (7,9,19,24), but published measurements of auxin-induced release of acid from tissue into an external bathing medium (3,10,11,18) have not shown that auxin stimulates H+ secretion quickly enough to account for the rapid response (17) of elongation to auxin. If the acid secretion theory is correct it must be demonstrable that following exposure to an auxin the pH in the cell wall space falls to an elongation-stimulating value by the time that observable elongation in response to auxin actually commences, i.e. within the latent period for auxin action on elongation. A pH microelectrode that permits this type of measurement (13) Arbor, Mich.) of exposed tip length of 5 Aim and tip diameter of 2 ,um. The reference electrode was a segment of glass tubing (80 x 1 mm) the end of which was drawn into a capillary with a tip diameter of a few ,um. This tube was filled with 3 M KCI, in which was immersed an AgCI-coated silver wire that connected to the reference terminal of the pH meter. The electrode was read using the mv mode of operation of the meter and was calibrated against phosphate-citrate buffers (50 mm in K-phosphate and Na-citrate) of pH 4 and 6 before and after each experiment.The relation between pH of a buffer solution and mv reading by the pH microelectrodes was checked for several microelectrodes with a series of solutions varying in pH from 4 to 7. Because this relation was always found to be linear over the pH range, mv readings from experiments were converted to pH values by linear interpolation using the mv values measured for the calibration buffers of pH 4 and 6.The sensitivity of a pH microelectrode varied, for different experiments, from 50 to 58 mv/pH unit, but it was always constant through a given experiment. Between the beginning and the end of a typical experiment, however, the absolute mv values recorded by the microelectrode for the two calibration buffers would often change by a few mv. This drift in value was always of the same magnitude and in the same direction for both calibration buffers. Thus, the sensitivity of the microelectrode did not drift. Although calibration of the microelectrode against buffers of known pH before and after each experiment allowed us to monitor microelectrode drift, we used only the results of the postexperiment calibration for conversion of microelectrode mv readings to pH values.