IntroductionThis study investigates the relation between myocardial oxygen consumption (MV 02), function, and high energy phos- Severe hypoxia ultimately leads to contractile failure, which is attributed to an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand (1)(2)(3)(4). Sudden extreme oxygen deprivation causes rapid depletion of energy stores in the form of the high energy phosphates, phosphocreatine, and ATP, as well as accumulation of ATP hydrolysis products. In isolated myocytes (5) and buffer-perfused hearts (5, 6) anoxia or hypoxia results in a reduced oxidative phosphorylation rate. Myocardial respiration wanes despite increasing ADP and intracellular phosphate (Pi),' which both stimulate mitochondrial ATP production under aerobic conditions. The intact animal generally maintains or increases myocardial oxygen consumption during early or moderate hypoxia (7-9). Small decreases in myocardial phosphocreatine content with no depletion of the cytosolic ATP pool have been documented during moderate hypoxic conditions (10, 11). However, myocardial oxygen consumption rates have not been directly measured during periods of rapid high energy phosphate depletion and repletion in the intact animal. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between myocardial oxygen consumption, function, and high energy phosphates during severe hypoxia and reoxygenation in vivo. Additionally, rephosphorylation parameters were measured to determine if evidence of respiratory uncoupling or mitochondrial damage occurs during reoxygenation in vivo. Graded hypoxia was performed in an effort to gradually reduce arterial oxygen tension to attain the P02 at which high energy phosphate stores rapidly decreased. Highly time-resolved 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy enabled monitoring of myocardial phosphates throughout hypoxia and recovery with simultaneous measurement of oxygen consumption. Consequently, these measurements enhanced analysis of mitochondrial function in vivo during reoxygenation.
MethodsAnimal preparation. Animals used in this study were handled in accordance with institutional and National Institutes of Health animal care and use guideline. Sheep between 30 and 70 d old (mean 47 d±6.8) were sedated with an intramuscular injection of 10 mg/kg ketamine, and 0.2-0.4 mg/kg xylazine, intubated, and then ventilated (C-900 pediatric ventilator; Siemens Corp., Schaumberg, IL) with room air and oxygen, followed by an intravenous dose of alpha-chloralose (40 mg/ kg). Femoral arterial cannulation was performed for monitoring systemic blood pressure and sampling blood. Arterial pH was maintained between 7.35 and 7.45 by adjustment of ventilatory tidal volume and 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: FIo2, fractional inspiratory oxygen