The first part of the research project, which resulted in the Paper I, Paper II and Paper III, has been funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and Siemens Energy AB (formerly Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB) through the research programme Turbines for Future Energy Systems (Turbiner för framtidens energisystem), the support of which is gratefully acknowledged. The remaining part of the project, resulting in Paper IV and Paper V, has been funded by Linköping University and Siemens Energy AB. First and foremost, I would like to thank my main supervisor Associate Prof. Daniel Leidermark for your patience, encouragement and enthusiasm, and for always taking time for discussions, guidance, or anything I have on my mind. Special thanks goes also to Lic. Eng. Daniel Nilsson for all support you have provided me with regarding testing, application near questions, and for making it possible for at least some of our work to be used in "reality". I would also like to thank my research group; Prof. Kjell Simonsson, Dr. Jan-Erik Lundgren and Associate Prof. Robert Eriksson for your valuable input and support through the project.In addition, I would like to thank all Ph.D. colleagues at the Division of Solid Mechanics for, most importantly, making the Ph.D. studies a lot more fun, but also for all valuable discussions. A special thanks goes to my office mate Jordi for all your help, both at office and outside of work.Last, but not least, I would like to thank my girlfriend Ida for all your support. As we started our Ph.D. journeys almost at the same time, it has been invaluable to have someone to discuss things with at any time. However, most importantly, thank you for making my time outside work much more joyful.