“…Stanley Loral commun.) found southward downwarping of the fragmentary beaches (provisionally described by Thomas, 1963 (1949, p. 1295-1296) correlated this shoreline with the Tioga glacial unit; date suggests shoreline is early Tioga, as interpreted by Flint and Gale (1958) for Lake Searles, in same Pluvial drainage system (Miller, 1946 General Comment: these 14 measurements were designed to date the obviously multiple stages of this Pluvial lake, in the ancient Death Valley drainage system, intervening between Lake Searles and sump basin of Lake Manly (Miller, 1946;Hubbs and Miller, 1948;Smith and Pratt, 1957;Feth, 1961Feth, , 1964Snyder, Hardman, and Zdenek, 1964). Pluvial history of this lake seems to, and should, agree with that of Lake Searles (Flint and Gale, 1958), because Lake Panamint presumably filled only when Lake Searles overflowed.…”