Dientamoebafragilis (D. fragilis) is a protozoan parasite whose pathogenic potential is still disputable. The aim of this study was to illustrate the pathogenicity of D. fragilis infection and to determine the infective dose for experimental mice infection. Three groups of mice (8/each) were orally inoculated with in vitro cultured D. fragilis. The infected groups (G1- G3) received 103, 105 and 4 × 106D. fragilis/0.5 ml culture, respectively. A control group (G4) only received parasite-free culture. Two weeks post-inoculation all mice were euthanized for histopathological examination. All mice of G3 (100%) and three mice of G2 (37.5%) were infected, and the results were confirmed by PCR and different staining methods. On the other hand, all mice from group G1 showed a completely negative result. Histopathological examination of the colon and caecum of the highly infected group G3 showed active colitis, with infiltration of mixed inflammatory cells such as eosinophils, neutrophils and lymphocytes within the lamina propria of the intestinal wall. The parasite was not invading the colonic mucosa. This study revealed that infection with D. fragilis is dose-dependent. Moreover, a dose of 105D. fragilis/mouse or higher is necessary to infect mice through the oral route. In addition, this route of infection, although non-invasive, can induce severe inflammatory changes to the colonic and caecal mucosa in experimentally infected mice.