Volatiles from mouse carcasses in decay stages ranging from fresh to 33 days old were used to investigate oriented flight and landings in male and female blow flies of Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Oriented flight increased significantly from 36% towards fresh carcasses to 68%, 61% and 65% towards carcasses aged 3 days, 6 days and 9 days, respectively. Carcasses aged 20 days and 33 days were significantly less attractive, achieving 51% and 41% attraction, respectively. No differences emerged between the sexes in oriented flight, but a significant increase in female landings at the most attractive carcasses was observed. Headspace collections from the different stages of decay showed a succession in the volatile profile emitted from the carcasses and identified nine chemicals which peak in quantity in concurrence with the most attractive stages of decay. Three of these chemicals also showed dose-response effects as indicated by a significant correlation between the amount present and the proportion of flies responding. Blow flies are important pests and efficient traps are needed. The significant interaction between fly sex and carcass age highlights behavioural differences between male and female blow flies which can be exploited in blow fly trapping. Three new volatile chemicals, butylated hydroxyl toluene, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone and nonanal, emitted from dead mice are suggested as potential attractants.