In Escherichia coil, transcription of the heat shock genes is regulated by 32, the alternative sigma factor directing RNA polymerase to heat shock promoters. 932, encoded by rpoH (htpR), is normally present in limiting amounts in cells. Upon temperature upshift, the amount of o2 transiently increases, resulting in the transient increase in transcription of the heat shock genes known as the heat shock response. Strains carrying the rpoHN65 nonsense mutation and supC(Ts), a temperature-sensitive suppressor tRNA, do not exhibit a heat shock response. This defect is suppressed by rpoD800, a mutation in the gene encoding &70. We have determined the mechanism of suppression. In contrast to wild-type strains, the level of o2 and the level of transcription of heat shock genes remain relatively constant in an rpoH165 rpoD800 strain after a temperature upshift. Instead, the heat shock response in this strain results from an approximately fivefold decrease in the cellular transcription carried out by the RNA polymerase holoenzyme containing mutant RpoD80070 coupled with an overaDl increase in the translational efficiency of all mRNA species.The heat shock response, characterized by the transient induction of a set of proteins upon temperature upshift, occurs in all organisms. In Escherichia coli, about 20 heat shock proteins are transiently induced during the heat shock response. Other stresses, such as bacteriophage infection, ethanol, and DNA damage, also induce these proteins (21), suggesting that the heat shock proteins have a general protective role against stress.In E. coli, transcription of the heat shock genes is under control of a32, an alternative a factor encoded by rpoH (htpR, hin) (12, 21, 32). The first indication that this locus encodes the regulator of the heat shock response came from studies on a strain with an amber mutation in the rpoH gene (rpoH165 [htpR165) and a temperature-sensitive tRNA suppressor [supC(Ts)]. Such a strain is temperature sensitive for growth and fails to induce the synthesis of heat shock proteins upon temperature upshift (5,21,32). Several other alleles of rpoH also produce these phenotypes (13,29). Additional studies demonstrated that rpoH encodes a 32-kDa a factor, called a32, which directs core RNA polymerase to transcribe heat shock promoters in vitro (6,12). Strains lacking &_2 because of a deletion or insertion in rpoH show no transcription from heat-inducible promoters in vivo, indicating that o.32 is responsible for transcription from heat shock promoters in vivo as well (34).The regulation of the heat shock response has been studied extensively. The transient increase in expression of heat shock genes after temperature upshift results from increased transcription initiation at heat shock promoters (6,28,31,32,33), which is mediated by a transient 20-fold increase in the amount of &32 per cell (17,26,27