The seasonal chronology of the events of the reproductive cycle, and changes in the structure and function of the primary and accessory organs of the male bent-winged bat Miniopterus schreibersii, were studied at latitude 37° S in temperate southeastern Australia. The testicular cycle commenced in late spring (November), and sperm appeared in the seminiferous tubules and epididymides in early fall (March). The cycle of the accessory sex gland complex generally paralleled the testicular cycle, reaching maximum hypertrophy at the time of insemination in late fall (April/May). Thereafter, the primary and secondary sex glands (except the ampullary gland) involuted as the animals entered winter torpor. However, a cauda epididymidal store of sperm persisted until late spring, and sperm were often observed, as well, in the ampullary gland duct and alveoli throughout winter. This study has confirmed that male Miniopterus differs from other vespertilionids in that accessory gland activity declines following the fall breeding in keeping with the fact that unlike in other vespertilionids insemination ovulation and conception are concurrent events in the fall in this species. The reduced secretory status of the Leydig cells and exceptionally low levels of circulating androgens throughout the year, in combination with the presence of viable epididymidal sperm for most of gestation, are all interesting features of this reproductive cycle.