“…[44] dataset is one of the most authoritative benchmarks in the feld of object tracking, containing 100 completely labeled video sequences with 11 diferent challenge attributes, including illumination variation (IV), scale variation (SV), occlusion (OCC), deformation (DEF), motion blur (MB), fast motion (FM), inplane rotation (IPR), out-of-plane rotation (OPR), outof-view (OV), background clutters (BC), and low resolution (LR). We compared the proposed algorithms to 16 topperforming deep feature-based DCF trackers (DaHCF [16], AFCSCF [17], MEGTCF [52], DeepSTRCF [30], ECO [18], CFWCR [39], and C-COT [49]), handcrafted feature-based DCF trackers (SRECF [50], DRCF [33], AutoTrack [34], BACF [14], and SAMF [13]), and deep learning-based trackers (PrDiMP-18 [51], GradNet [53], DaSiamRPN [54], and SiamFC [38]). Figure 6 shows the proposed algorithm's tracking results compared to 16 other algorithms on the OTB2015 dataset.…”