The optical absorption profile of an atom-surface vibrational bond is studied. From Markovian relaxation theory it follows that the line shape is a Lorentzian around the adsorbate resonance frequency coo. Dispersion relations for crystals have a fairly small cutoff frequency COD, which prohibits the use of such a simple theory. We calculated the spectral profile with finite-memory-time reservoir theory, and we found that the modified Lorentzian vanishes above COD. Also a new spectral line at COO + COD is predicted, which disappears in the Markovian limit. The physical origin of the new line is explained. 71.36.+C, 78.90,+t Adsorbed atoms on the surface of a crystal can absorb photons from an incident infrared laser beam. Coupling between the van der Waals bond and the radiation is brought about by the motion-induced dipole moment ju (the atom itself is assumed to be neutral for ir light), and the atom-crystal interaction is governed by the singlephonon coupling Hamiltonian *
Hi--(ve z )dV/dz,Then an equation of motion for the reduced adsorbate density operator can be derived, in which the properties of the heat bath only enter parametrically, and can be expressed in terms of the Fourier-Laplace transform of the reservoir correlation function2) defines the dimensionless function g(z) in terms of the mass M of a bulk atom and the Debye frequency con. Then it can be shown that g(z) depends only on the dimensionless temperature y^ho^/k^T, with A:B Boltzmann's constant. An explicit expression for g(z) can be found elsewhere. 4 In the most simple theory of relaxation 5 one adopts the Markov and secular approximations, which yields for the low-intensity absorption line shape as a function of the laser frequency coin terms of the derivative of the binding potential well Viz). Here z denotes the normal direction to the surface (we neglect lateral motion) and u is the phononfield amplitude operator, 2 evaluated at the position of the surface atom which is closest to the adsorbate. Relaxation of the atomic bond due to phonon exchange with the crystal is most conveniently described with reservoir theory, where the crystal is regarded as a thermal bath. 3 j This profile is a Lorentzian with its peak value at 6)= s cao + alm[g((oo)+g*(~fi>o)l> and a half width at half-maximum equal to tfRe[g(o5o)+g*( -fiJo)]. The notation is S=CO/COD, COO^unperturbed adsorbate resonance, and «, = population of the ith level (n\>ri2). The temperature dependence is incorporated in g(z), and the phonon-coupling strength is measured byIn order to investigate this problem quantitatively, we have developed a finite-memory-time relaxation theory, 6 with no restriction on the time scales. Subsequently, we have applied this theory to the evaluation of the absorption line shape, with the formal result 7Most crucial for the derivation of the line profile (3) is the conjecture that the phonon-amplitude correlation function ([u(r)e z ](u-e z )> decays to zero very fast for r > 0, which would justify the Markov approximation. It is an essential feature ...