A Tertiary Care Hospital Kerala
IntroductionColon is the primary site for various non neoplastic and neoplastic diseases. The spectrum of colonic lesions range from congenital diseases, Infections, Inflammatory conditions, Vascular diseases, Polyps and Colorectal tumours. Colorectal carcinoma is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality with an overall cancer incidence rate of 9%. [1,2] Development of flexible fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy revolutionized the diagnosis and management of colorectal diseases, for the reason that the procedure is safe with no serious complications. Application of therapeutic colonoscopy like colonoscopic polypectomy has replaced the open surgical procedure to a great extent. [3] In developing countries like India, where tuberculosis and infective colitis are more prevalent, the diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel disease is a great challenge. Colonic mucosal biopsies procured from colonoscopy plays a crucial role in specific diagnosis of patients with Inflammatory Bowel disease [4,5] and early detection of colonic epithelial tumours.[6] Histopathological interpretation of colonic mucosal biopsies when correlated with clinical findings help in definitive diagnosis and early treatment of patients with colonic lesions.The current study was carried out with an aim to study histopathological pattern of colonic mucosal biopsies and correlate them with clinical findings.
Materials and MethodsThe present study was a two year retrospective study, conducted in the department of pathology DM Wayand Institute of Medical Sciences, Kerala during the period from April 2015 to March 2017. 250 cases presented with symptoms were selected for the study. Patient's age, sex, presenting complaints, relevant past history were noted and colonoscopy was performed.All biopsies received were immediately fixed in 10% formalin. The tissue bits were counted, measured and processed completely as per routine histopathology processing. From each paraffin block 3 to 5 micron thick Abilash S C 1 * and Shreelakshmidevi S 2 1 Pathology, DM Wayanad Institute Of medical sciences, Naseera Nagar, Meppadi, Wayanad, Kerala, India 2 Pharmacology, DM Wayanad Institute Of medical sciences, Naseera Nagar, Meppadi, Wayanad, Kerala, India
ABSTRACTBackground: Colon is the most common site for various diseases. Diseases affecting the colon may cause abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and bleeding per rectum. Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the colon with a flexible optic fibers, this method allows visual examination of colonic mucosa and provides opportunity for mucosal biopsies. This study was carried out to study and correlate histopathological spectrum of colonic mucosal biopsies with clinical findings.Methods: This two years study was conducted during the period of April 2015 to March 2017. 250 colonoscopic biopsies were included in the study. All biopsies were fixed in formalin, processed as per routine histopathology processing, stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin stains and studied.Result: Out of...