Sd Sd T Tb T , = wall temperature i;b ui 3 U , = centrifugal source term in i momentum equation, i = r , = viscous source term in i momentum equation, i = r , 6 = temperature of the fluid = bulk temperature of the fluid = dimensionless temperature, Eq. 24 = dimensionless form of Tb = velocity in i direction, i = r , 0, 4 = average velocity in 4 direction = dimensionless form of Z I~ 0 -Greek Letters 7 = dimensionless radial coordinate, r/d 6 = angular coordinate, Figure 1 /.t = apparent viscosity, Eq. 13 &,f = reference viscosity, Eq. 15 p = density of the fluid 4 = axial coordinate, Figure 1
LITERATURE CITEDA multiparameter corresponding-states correlation has been developed to describe fossil-fluid thermodynamic properties needed to design fluid-flow, heat-exchange, and other unit operations in coal-liquefaction plants. Three equation-of-state parameters, a molecular-size/separation parameter, a molecularenergy parameter, and a molecular-orientation parameter are used to characterize nonpolar and slightly polar aromatic hydrocarbons. A conformal-solution model is developed for predicting thermodynamic properties of coalderived mixtures.
SCOPEThe objective of this work was to develop first-generation methodologies for predicting thermodynamic properties of coal-derived fluids using current equation-of-state technology.Previously, most equations of state could not be applied directly to coal fluids. A corresponding-states framework has been modified to rapidly develop practical properties-prediction capability for the coal pilot-and demonstrationplant programs. Correspondence concerning this p p e r should bL a d d r d to M R Brule who is prwntly with C T Lin w1 presently with Bechtel National Inc Houston TX K E Starling 15 the principal investigator ooO1 1541-82 4018 0616$2 00 0 The American Instltutr of Lhemlcal Engineers 1982 Kerr McCee Corp Oklahoma City OKThe three-parameter corresponding-states correlation presented here is shown to accurately describe the thermodynamic behavior of many pure coal chemicals and the bulk thermodynamic properties of undefined distillable coal fractions. The vapor/liquid equilibrium of both defined and complex distillable mixtures can be predicted using a conformal-solution model (Watanasiri et al., 1981).Characterization techniques are outlined for converting analyses of undefined mixtures (with composition available in terms of broad fractions) into representative pseudocomponents. Empirical correlations have been developed to estimate pseudocomponent characterization parameters and ideal-gas thermodynamic properties for use with the equation of state.