“…45, 213) Yochelson and Linsley, 1972 Yochelson and Linsley, 1972 Fagerstrom, 1961, andLinsley, 1968). It is considered to be late Sieyenian by Strusz (1972 Yochelson, 1973) (Knight, Batten, Yochelson, 1960) The development of the operculum of this group has already been fully treated (Yochelson and Linsley, 1972). Evolutionarily the thick operculum of Liomphalus northi is set at the apertural margin, while in Hypomphalocirrus rugosus and H. manitobensis the operculum is much thinner and drawn well into the aperture, as far back as one-fourth volution.…”