We report differential cross section measurements for the stretched transition from the 10 B ground state (J π = 3 + ) to the 10 Be ground state (J π = 0 + ) in the 10 B(n, p) 10 Be (g.s.) reaction. These data were obtained over the energy range from 70 to 240 MeV, covering momentum transfer values from 0.6 to 2.5 fm −1 . In this momentum transfer range, the isovector tensor effective interaction dominates the transition. Cross sections are compared to zero-and finite-range distorted wave impulse approximation calculations using modern free and density-dependent effective interactions and a transition density consistent with (e, e ) data. Good agreement is observed at energies above 120 MeV, but below this energy the cross sections are larger than the calculated values by more than 40%. The implications for DWIA calculations are discussed.