In our paper we heavily used the result that two constituent bialgebroids in a Hopf algebroid possess isomorphic comodule categories. This statement was based on [T. Brzeziński, A note on coring extensions, Ann. Univ. Ferrara Sez. VII Sci. Mat. LI (2005) 15-27. A corrected version is available at 0410020v3, Theorem 2.6], whose proof turned out to contain an unjustified step. Here we prove the main results in our paper without using [T. Brzeziński, A note on coring extensions, Ann. Univ. Ferrara Sez. VII Sci. Mat. LI (2005) 15-27. A corrected version is available at, Theorem 2.6] and the derived isomorphism of comodule categories.