The aim of current research is to determine genetic effects in relation to inheritance of plant height and leaves number regard to their use for the Virginia tobacco breeding. The experimental work was carried out on the field of the Tobacco and tobacco products Institute, Markovo, Bulgaria. Coefficient of heritability and selection, the number of genes, transgressions and heterosis of plant height and leaves number were studied. For this purpose P 1 , P 2 , F 1 and F 2 populations of seven hybrid combinations were analyzed. The data from conducted analysis showed that inheritance of the plant height and tobacco leaves number is overdominantly, in the direction of the parent with the higher trait values.The number of genes influencing the plant height expression varies in a wide range (14-17) and genes number affecting tobacco leaves is 1 or 2. Negative epistasis was observed for the plant height inheritance, while epistatic interactions of genes controlling leaves number was weaker but positive one. There were establish high values for heritability coefficient of plant height and average one of leaves number. Based on the conducted analysis it was found that the mass selection by phenotype for studied traits would be more effective in the F 5 -F 6 hybrid generations.