KInEtIcs of corrosIon procEss In H2so4 and Hno3 aquEous solutIons of lEad frEE sn-ag-cu soldEr alloysThis paper presents the results of the corrosion resistance of Sn-Ag-Cu alloys in air-saturated aqueous solutions containing NO3 -, SO4 2-ions, whose concentration was equivalent to their contents in acid rains and in concentrations 10 -100 times higher. The Ag, Cu and Sn concentrations in the corrosive media were determined using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The specific dissolution rate and corrosion current were derived using the a rotating disc technique. The corrosion rate of SnAg-Cu alloys depends on pH of the examined solutions and on the concentration of oxygen near the phase boundary. In the whole range of concentrations of the applied H2SO4 + HNO3 mixtures of acids, the pure Sn was more corrosion resistant than eutectic alloy as well as the near eutectic one, following the sequence: Sn>Sn3.66Ag0.91Cu>3.8Ag0.7Cu.