The effects of gaseous hydrogen chloride and hydrogen sulphide on the hightemperature corrosion of the austenitic SS. S31400 and the duplex steel S32205 were investigated in an atmosphere without molecular O 2 . The testing gas atmosphere consisted of 3.8 vol% HCl, 1.9 vol% CO 2 , 0.3 vol% CO, 2.8 vol% H 2 , 0.02 vol% H 2 S, bal. N 2 . It showed a similar composition, which is present in the thermal cracking of anthropogenic resources. Tests were performed between 480 and 680°C for 1, 3 and 10 days. Mass loss measurements were done for all experiments. After the reaction times the samples showed non-adherent and porous layers of corrosion products, which were investigated by SEM/EDX and XRD. Metallographic cross sections of the corroded samples were prepared by water-free polishing to investigate the microstructure of the corrosion products. Both materials formed large chromium sulphide crystals on top of a chromium oxide layer and a chlorine-containing layer beneath the oxide. The ferrite phase of the duplex steel is selectively attacked, while the austenite phase remained without severe corrosion. Steel S31400 showed a uniform corrosion.